Top 5 Alternatives to Drinking and Driving

Drinking and driving is not only dangerous, it can lead to serious legal repercussions including losing your license, jail time, and thousands of dollars in fines. The good news is that there are many ways you can still enjoy a fun night on the town, or a relaxing night with your favorite bottle of wine – without drinking and driving. Check out these five ways you can avoid consequences while still having a fun evening.

1. Set aside money for a cab

The number one reason people choose to drive versus taking a cab is because they don’t want to spend the money on a cab. After all, a night on the town can be expensive enough and adding the expense of a cab can be costly. If you’re in this boat, just think of it this way: a cab is a lot less costly than the consequences of drinking and driving. Additionally, Maryland has recently approved Uber, so there’s even an app for that.

2. Find a designated driver

If you’re going out with a group of friends, pick one person to skip the cocktails for the night and be responsible for driving everyone home. It’s likely no one will be excited about this prospect, but there are ways you can make it fair: take turns every time you go out so no one is stuck with this duty every time, pay for the designated driver’s gas and dinner, or find other unique ways to reward the person who steps up to drive everyone else home.

3. Plan a party at home

A night out on the town isn’t the only way to have a good time. Invite a group of your friends over and encourage everyone to bring their favorite beverage. One of the advantages of going out to the bars is meeting new people you wouldn’t otherwise meet, so consider asking everyone to bring someone who isn’t a normal part of your group. This is a great way to get to know new people without all the risk and cost of drinking at the bars – just make sure if anyone isn’t staying the night to get them home safely using uber or a cab.

4. Make it an alcohol-free night

Not every party needs booze, and not every night on the town must involve drinking. Why not plan a wonderful dinner and a unique after-dinner experience? You may decide to take a walk through a favorite park, get together with friends for board games, or watch a movie. Many people who prioritize not drinking and driving will have one night a week when they head to the bars, and will save up for cab money by sticking to more affordable non-alcohol related activities the rest of the week.

5. Have a drink close to home

What better way to cap off a wonderful night in a pub than with a lovely walk home? Is there a bar near your house that you have passed a million times but never walked through its doors? Even if it may not seem like your preferred type of bar, you may be surprised. Give it a shot and stop by for a drink. Your short walk home will be free, won’t require drinking and driving, and may lead to the discovery of new restaurants and shops around Annapolis.