How Do You Challenge a Driver’s License Suspension in Annapolis?

How Do You Challenge a Driver’s License Suspension in Annapolis?A person’s driver’s license can be suspended for many different reasons, such as driving under the influence, not paying their parking tickets, speeding points, not paying child support, failing to attend court, drug possession, reckless driving, and more. When this happens, many people believe that there is nothing they can do about it.

However, the truth is that you do not have to sit around and let it happen. There are viable arguments and defenses against license suspensions. To start the process in Annapolis, you must request a trial hearing at the Office of Administrative Hearings. You will need to pay a filing fee of $150 and wait to be assigned a hearing date, which is typically four to six weeks after filing the request.

Keep in mind that there are certain deadlines you must meet depending on the reason for your license suspension. For example, if your license was suspended because of too many speeding points on your driving record, you will need to request a trial hearing within 15 days after receiving your suspension notice. If your driver’s license suspension was because you were drinking and driving, you will need to request a trial hearing within 30 days after receiving your suspension notice. If you are unsure of how long you have to request your hearing, get in touch with an Annapolis criminal defense attorney at Drew Cochran Attorney at Law to find out this information today.

After you request a hearing and pay the filing fee, you will receive a letter in the mail that explains the details of your scheduled hearing, such as time, date, and location. This type of hearing typically takes place at the Office of Administrative Hearings instead of a district court. After the trial hearing has ended, the Office of Administrative Hearings will contact the MVA and let them know if your license will remain suspended or not.

Can you appeal against the decision made by the Office of Administrative Hearings?

If the judge for the Office of Administrative Hearings orders that your license be surrendered, you must turn it into the MVA office or hand it to the judge. However, if you do not agree with the judge’s decision, you have 30 days from the trial hearing date to file an appeal. In Annapolis, you must file this appeal at the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County.

In the meantime, it is important that you do not drive or operate a vehicle with a suspended license. According to Maryland Code 16-303, this can lead to time in jail, a $500 fine, points added to your license, and license revocation.

Is there a difference between a suspended license and a revoked license?

There is a difference between a suspended license and a revoked license. Therefore, it is important that you know if your license is suspended or revoked. A license suspension is when an individual’s license is temporarily suspended, meaning that their driving privileges are temporarily on hold. Their license may be taken away for a certain period of time and eventually given back to them. However, if a driver’s license is revoked, this means that their driving privileges have been taken away permanently.

It may be years before a person with a revoked license can reapply for their license, but this does not mean that they will be given their driving privileges back. This usually depends on why their license was revoked in the first place. However, if they are given permission to reapply for their license at a future date, they will be required to pass all driving tests once again before they can receive their license.

An Annapolis criminal defense attorney can help you challenge a driver’s license suspension

At Drew Cochran Attorney at Law, we know and understand how important it is to have a driver’s license to go to work, pick up your children from school, get groceries, and more. That said, we are committed to doing everything we can to stand up for our clients’ rights and challenge their license suspensions. If you find yourself in this difficult situation, we will remain by your side, make sure that you always understand what is happening with your case, and go over the legal options that we believe you should pursue.

Our team will also take the necessary steps to evaluate your case and determine how successful it may be, help you file a hearing request, and prepare to appeal against the decision. Even though you have the option to handle this case on your own, Drew Cochran will work hard to make sure this matter is resolved quickly and that you receive the best outcome possible.

If your license has recently been suspended and you need assistance getting your driving privileges back, get in touch with Drew Cochran Attorney at Law today. Our team is well versed in the laws surrounding driver’s license suspensions, and we will work endlessly to reduce the length of your suspension, help you recover your license, and ensure that you avoid a future license suspension. You can call our office or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment at one of our office locations in Annapolis or Ellicott City at your earliest convenience.

And remember: Keep Calm – and Call Drew.