3rd Degree Offenses

scales of justice

A Knowledgeable Annapolis Sexual Assault Attorney on Your Side

Aggressively defending against third-degree sexual assault charges in Maryland

A sexual assault conviction affects every aspect of your life: your freedom, livelihood, family, and reputation. While a third-degree sexual assault charge may not seem as serious, it is still classified as a felony, with major consequences.

My name is Gill Andrew Cochran, and I diligently work to defend against allegations of sexual assault. At Drew Cochran, Attorney at Law, an experienced Annapolis sexual assault defense attorney is prepared to guide you through the legal process.

Understanding third-degree assault under Maryland Law

Maryland law includes four degrees of sexual assault. While first degree is the most severe, third-degree sexual assault is also a serious charge, with numerous included offenses:

  • Engaging in sexual assault with an individual without consent while displaying a dangerous weapon or an item that the victim believes to be a dangerous weapon
  • Engaging in nonconsensual contact with an individual through the use of strangulation, suffocation, or the infliction of serious bodily harm
  • Engaging in sexual assault with an individual without consent by threatening the victim or the victim’s acquaintance with serious bodily harm
  • Engaging in nonconsensual contact while aided and abetted by another individual
  • Engaging in sexual contact with a mentally incapacitated or physically helpless individual (there are also numerous age-related offenses included in this charge)
  • Engaging in sexual contact with a victim under 14 years old by a defendant who is at least four years older than the victim
  • Engaging in sexual contact with a victim 14 or 15 years old by a defendant who is at least 21 years old
  • Engaging in vaginal intercourse with a victim 14 or 15 years old by a defendant who is at least 21 years old

The potential penalty for a conviction on this charge is 10 years in prison, but there are also far-reaching consequences. A knowledgeable Maryland sexual assault attorney understands that you have a lot to lose if convicted of this crime.

A diligent defense for Maryland third-degree sexual assault defendants

An aggressive Annapolis sexual assault lawyer reviews the details of your situation and works with you to determine the most appropriate course of action for your case. Some possible defenses include questioning the motivation of the accusing party, pressure placed on a child accuser, and placing doubt on the legality of the evidence presented. At Drew Cochran, Attorney at Law, I have successfully defended numerous sexual assault cases within the Maryland courts. I work with my clients through every step of the case, providing representation they can trust.

Providing Annapolis with a skillful defense to sexual assault charges

Serious charges require a serious defense. When you work with Drew Cochran, Attorney at Law, you get the full force of my experience, my skills, and my firm’s resources behind your case.  If you are facing third-degree sexual assault allegations, call my office today at 410-271-1892 or complete my contact form to schedule an initial consultation.

And remember: Keep Calm – and Call Drew.