Opening and Closing Statements in a Criminal Trial

Most criminal cases are tried before a jury of your peers. Criminal defense lawyers must have the skills and experience to handle each phase, including the opening and closing statements to the jury. You’ve probably seen TV lawyers and lawyers in the movies make opening and closing statements. The ways the prosecutor and your defense…

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Common DUI Mistakes to Avoid

In Maryland, drivers can be charged with a DUI (Driving under the influence) if their blood alcohol content level is .8 or higher. Drivers can be charged a DWI (driving while impaired) if their BAC is .07 or higher. The penalties for both offenses, even for first-time offenders, can include prison and substantial fines. Your…

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Common Defenses for Drug Charges in Maryland: What You Need to Know

Drug convictions often mean long-term prison sentences, large fines, and difficulty finding work on a place to live on your release. At Drew Cochran, Attorney at Law, we fight to have drug charges dismissed, obtain acquittals, and negotiate plea bargains. Generally, drug possession offenses and other drug-related offenses are based on the specific drug and…

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Is Expunging Your DUI an Option in Annapolis?

There are consequences for having a driving under the influence (DUI) conviction or a driving while impaired conviction (DWI) on your criminal record – even after you have served your sentence, paid your fine, and complied with any license suspension requirement. Ideally, expunging your DUI/DWI would eliminate these consequences. However, Maryland generally does not permit…

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Can An Expert Witness Help You Fight DUI Charges?

Many DUI and DWI defense cases depend on expert witnesses. To be sure, there are many cases where a skilled defense lawyer can obtain a dismissal or an acquittal without an expert, many cases revolve around the validity and credibility of field sobriety tests and chemical tests. Expert witnesses can demonstrate that the proper equipment…

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What are Field Sobriety Tests?

If the police suspect that you have been driving while intoxicated, they will ask you to submit to three field sobriety tests. If you fail any one of the three standard field sobriety tests, the police will likely ask you to submit to a breathalyzer test. You can refuse to take these tests but your…

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What Happens If You Miss a Court Date?

Missing a court date can have serious consequences, potentially worsening your legal troubles. Whether due to oversight, emergency, or misunderstanding, failing to appear in court can lead to a range of legal and practical repercussions. When facing criminal charges, it’s vital to understand these consequences and how to address them effectively. Immediate consequences of missing…

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The Kids Ain’t Alright: Juvenile Crimes in Annapolis

Juvenile crime is a significant concern in Annapolis, as it is in many other communities. For families facing the difficult situation of having a child involved in the criminal justice system, it’s important to understand the legal consequences and available defense strategies. Today I want to talk about the complexities of juvenile crimes in Annapolis,…

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