Our firm is independently operated and not associated with any other law firms in the area, ensuring personalized and dedicated legal representation for each of our clients.


May 30, 2022

DUIs Have Consequences in Every State

By |May 30th, 2022|DUI|

Since every state has their own mini-government, every state has (for the most part) their own laws. What’s illegal in one may be encouraged in another. What would bring about a decades’ long sentence in one may be a simple misdemeanor somewhere else. While this does sometimes make things confusing, it allows citizens to live [...]

May 26, 2022

When Your Domestic Violence Arrest Is Unwarranted

By |May 26th, 2022|Criminal Defense|

Okay, let’s be honest here. At some point, you have probably fantasized about using a snappy TV-borne line to shut down cops. Especially if you’ve had unfortunate run-ins with the police in the past, of course you want to have some sort of verbal defense if cops come knocking at the door. Shows everywhere encourage [...]

May 9, 2022

Stop Trying to Be Creative to Cops While Drunk

By |May 9th, 2022|DUI|

Look, everyone gets frazzled under pressure. Those who are reading this and say they don’t are lying — they just hide it better and like to brag. When you’re frazzled, you’re likelier to say stuff you shouldn’t say and do stuff you shouldn’t do, and a great way to get frazzled in the first place [...]

Apr 25, 2022

Verbal Threats Count as Domestic Abuse

By |April 25th, 2022|Criminal Defense|

Yes, really. It’s a common and dangerous misconception that you have to actually raise your hand at your partner or child for it to be considered abuse — at least in our state. Sure, no SWAT team is going to kick down your door and tackle you if you jokingly threaten to kill your wife [...]

Apr 19, 2022

Collecting DUIs Like Pokemon Inadvisable

By |April 19th, 2022|DUI|

It’s not exactly a leap to say that the point of law is to deter crime. That’s what punishments like fines, jail time, and community service are for, and that is the basis of pretty much our entire justice system. You do the crime, you do the time — as often as needed. Yeah, this [...]

Mar 28, 2022

Put the Belt Down, Bud. It’s Abuse

By |March 28th, 2022|Domestic Violence Defense|

Look, I know what you’re going to say. It’s discipline! It’s how your pappy raised you and his pappy raised him and so on and so forth. What better way to instill respect and manners into a child than with fear of physical punishment? After all, it worked on you — you turned out just [...]

Mar 14, 2022

St. Patty’s Day? Shoulda Put Those Keys Away!

By |March 14th, 2022|DUI|

Everyone knows that if something has a rhyming title, it contains nothing but the truth (…the whole truth, so help you—) and should be listened to without question. …Okay, fine, not really, but this is still important and you should still listen, so take the rhyme and buckle up, pun absolutely intended. As we make [...]

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Our Testimonials


Drew Cochran is an outstanding defense attorney. Seasoned, savvy, and smart, he knows the law and understands how to apply it to get the maximum benefit for his client. He keeps his eye on the big picture—getting the best results possible—while attending to the smallest details to ensure success. He is accessible, responsive, and user-friendly, while communicating clearly with the client. And with a fair, single-fee, cost structure for his services, he is also cost-effective and economical, and doesn’t “keep the hourly-rate meter running” for the time he invests in the case. If you’re looking for a super-effective attorney who can get results even against the odds, Drew Cochran should be your choice. Sign me VHC for Very Happy Client

~ Client


The best lawyer I ever had or dealt with. Very easy to communicate and always able to speak to you without having you wait for days for an answer. Every time he has said something he will take care of that day he actually has done it and took care of it. 

~ Client


Thank you for guiding me through this process. You were efficient and results oriented but also understanding of my bigger picture. I appreciate your patience in listening to my concerns. However, at the end of the day, results matter and you provided the best results for a very serious matter. I would recommend you to anyone facing a district court matter.

~ Client


We wanted to sincerely thank you for all you did to help [our child] through this difficult phase of his life. The additional time that you spent and your effort to take a personal interest in his welfare and progress was certainly far beyond what one would expect. We are most grateful and pleased with your professional services but let's hope we don't have to rely on them in the future.

~ Client


This is a lawyer that cares about who you are and helping you through the situation. Dealing with such life impacting challenge can be overwhelming, yet Mr. Cochran treats you like family and takes his time to understand your case as well as how it is impacting you. He provides exceptional law support based upon his years of experience and knowledge. Mr. Cochran is someone that you want on your side.

~ Client


I want to thank you for your representation of [our] case. You did a wonderful job in bringing the truth to the jury. You were magnificent in the court room. You gave us our day in court. Thank You.

~ Client

Drew has helped me out several times over the years. He has a high standard of professionalism, and is also highly personable. He has given me some of the best guidance and also referrals. I also refer Mr. Cochran to anyone ever in need. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ [Google Review]