Dunkirk, Hacksaw Ridge, and the Many Faces of PTSD

If you haven’t seen Dunkirk or Hacksaw Ridge yet, bookmark this blog and watch both movies. Both films deal with decisive events during WWII – the Battle of Dunkirk, long considered an Allied defeat, and the battle to take “Hacksaw Ridge,” a stronghold of the Japanese in Okinawa. Both movies depict the bloody realities of…

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5 Legal Mistakes that Make Movies Look Super Dumb

From buddy cop flicks to Law and Order, you can find evidence of a healthy respect for the law all over the big and small screens. When you’re watching a movie, you have to suspend belief, just for a few hours, to get the full effect. Movies often stretch both reality and the limits of…

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Maryland Has Some Weird Laws, You Guys

Nobody, including me, likes to follow “dumb” rules. Unfortunately, Maryland’s legal code is chock-full of some pretty bizarre laws and regulations. In my spare time, I read Maryland’s legal codes — mostly so I can clean up in pub trivia, but also because it might some day help me at my job. And I have…

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Selling “Baked” Goods at a School Baseball Game = Illegal

Into every like, they say, a little rain must fall. Unless you’re in Florida, where the rains come every day (both literally and figuratively). Today’s gem is care of the New York Post: “Robert Johnson, 38, is charged with making [pot brownies] and giving them to his teenage daughter to peddle at a [baseball] game.”…

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If you’ve been to court, and the judge gave you probation before judgement, or gave you a suspended sentence, then you’ll be placed into probation. Probation is a special set of rules that apply just to you that are set by the judge. Generally it’s a year, 18 months, or in Circuit Court it could…

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Online Dating, Under Age Girls, and Criminal Charges

There was a story in the Columbia Daily Tribune recently about a 22-year-old guy from Maryland who was allegedly dating a 12-year-old girl from Missouri, and now he’s facing federal charges for “enticing a minor to engage in illicit sexual activity.” He and his brother tried to bring the girl back with them to Maryland,…

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We Always Knew Twitter Would Be the End of Us All

We love Twitter. We love the memes and celebrity clapbacks and the insane “Twitter wars” between politicians and everyday people. It’s like watching a soap opera distilled into 140 characters. But just when we thought it couldn’t get any more nuts on that platform, a Maryland native had a “hold my beer” moment that led…

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