Do I Need A Lawyer to Represent Me After My Bar Fight?

Look, I totally get it. That guy should never have dropped his flaming gorilla shot on your vintage Danner boots and set your skinny jeans on fire. The resulting brawl was inevitable, because he had it coming. But so are the criminal charges you’re now facing. You might be thinking to yourself, “It’s just a…

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Does My Teenage Driver Need a Lawyer for a Traffic Ticket?

Some days you may feel like asking yourself, “Why did I have kids, again?” Sure, you love your kids, but they can certainly try your patience — and drain your wallet. Once your teenager starts driving, money can disappear out of your bank account like planets sucked down a black hole. If Junior gets a…

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Sobriety Checkpoints: What Do You Do if You’ve Been Drinking?

You’re driving along at 2 am, vibin’ (or as we used to say, rockin’ out) to the radio, when suddenly up ahead you see flashing lights and guys in uniforms stopping cars. Congratulations, you’ve been hooked by a sobriety checkpoint. Do you have to stop? What’s your best move, especially if you’ve had a few…

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How Do I Get Charges Dropped if I’m Charged with Domestic Violence

Relationships are hard. No doubt about it. Family relationships are fraught with emotions that can sometimes (too quickly) get out of hand. Sometimes that means the police are called. Frequently, that leads to somebody getting arrested. If that somebody is you, your first thought may be, “How can I make this go away?” Let’s be…

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Maryland Window Tinting Regulations

Do you ever see those cars race by you on the highway, and you want to see who’s driving but you can’t because their windows are so heavily tinted? Yeah, that’s illegal, at least in Maryland. Window Tinting by State Window tinting laws vary from state to state, and province to province. Thus, before applying…

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Maryland’s Heroin Epidemic: The Origins

We’re halfway through 2015 and heroin’s presence in Maryland is indisputable. In fact, according to many it’s not just a problem, it’s an epidemic. In 2013, there were 464 heroin-related overdose deaths, which outnumbered 387 homicides, representing a 95 percent increase in heroin-related overdose deaths since 2010. Yet the numbers continued to rise in 2014,…

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Top 5 Alternatives to Drinking and Driving

Drinking and driving is not only dangerous, it can lead to serious legal repercussions including losing your license, jail time, and thousands of dollars in fines. The good news is that there are many ways you can still enjoy a fun night on the town, or a relaxing night with your favorite bottle of wine…

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Annapolis Legal Roundup: April

Once a month we’re going to be sharing with you our favorite crime stories that offer up some lessons to learn as well as more robust legal news. If you have a favorite celebrity DUI or other legal news, please share it in the comments 1. If you followed Serial, the podcast the evaluated the…

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Peeping Tom Charges: How to determine prurient intent

The arrest of the president of Rams Head concert venues and restaurants has brought peeping tom crimes back into the spotlight over the past few weeks. The 37-year-old owner of the company turned himself into police recently and is facing multiple law suits. He now faces six charges of peeping tom violations and six charges of…

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Am I liable for my child’s cyber bullying?

If your child has been involved in cyber bullying, you may be worried that you will face legal consequences as a result. While consulting a lawyer is recommended whenever you are dealing with a situation that involves legal proceedings and the possibility of prosecution, you can get the basic information about cyber bullying below. Maryland…

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