Driver Beware; Red Light Cameras are Watching

With summer at a close and school buses back out on the streets we’re reminded of the three speed cameras the City of Annapolis operates to enforce school zone speed limits. Of course those of us who drive with a lead foot may have gotten a reminder earlier in the year. It turns out the…

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When Will My Trial Have A Jury?

Over the years you’ve probably heard countless legal dramas discuss the right to a speedy trial, or the right for a case to be heard by a jury of one’s peers.  But unless you’re facing a day in court yourself it’s not something you likely gave much thought to. So when does your trial have…

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Silly Maryland Laws Still on the Books

Ignorantia juris non excusat, ignorance of the law is no excuse.  We’ve all heard the phrase, but perhaps we haven’t taken the time to consider the full range of laws we truly may be unaware of. Between the legislature, county governments and municipalities, the book of laws here in Maryland has been accumulating since the…

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Do I need a lawyer for my traffic ticket?

If you are pulled over and receive a traffic ticket, you have a few options: pay the ticket and move on, fight the ticket in court by yourself or enlist the help of a lawyer. Before you dismiss the idea of paying for legal assistance to fight a ticket, consider all your options. Factors to…

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What is the difference between district and circuit courts?

The U.S. judicial system consists of several types of courts that are further split into the two categories of district and circuit courts. District courts hold federal trials, while the circuit courts hold both trials and appeals for cases decided by district courts. Within the country and its associated territories, there are 94 district courts (at least one…

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What are the consequences of impersonating a police officer?

Recently, there has been an uptick of individuals posing as police officers for deceptive purposes. Impersonating a police officer is the illegal act of inaccurately portraying oneself as a police officer, generally with the intent of using such authority to commit offenses that they would not otherwise be able to get away with. Motivation behind this…

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How do Bail Bond Agencies Work?

A bail bondsman is someone who acts as a surety and pledges the required property or money as bail to the courts and promises that the accused person, whom the bail bondsman represents, will appear in court on a future date. Bail, Surety and Bail Bondsman  Bail is property or money given to a court to…

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Maryland Decriminalizes Marijuana: What It Means

A full two dozen states have decriminalized marijuana or sanctioned its use for medical purposes. Going one step further, Washington and Colorado have taken to fully legalizing marijuana and using the tax proceeds to finance state initiatives. Maryland Decriminalizes Marijuana  Maryland’s Democratic Governor, Martin O’Malley, promised at the beginning of April 2014 that he would ratify…

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What is the Parental Liability for Underage DUI

Today’s society is looking more and more to punish parents for failing to control their children. How does this attitude translate when there are DUI charges against a minor? Are the parents liable for any damage caused by an underage drinker in the state of Maryland? There is no way to answer this question with a…

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Why Revenge Porn may soon be illegal

Revenge porn is sexually explicit material uploaded as pictures, videos or assorted media without the depicted party’s consent. Disgruntled ex-partners or even anarchic hackers often release sexually explicit material without the depicted’s consent. To make matters worse, the ex-partners or hackers release revenge porn with the intent of shaming or humiliating the person or persons depicted…

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