What Happens After You Get Arrested?

Pretend for a moment that you are the type of person who commits crimes – a “criminal,” one might say – and after a night of alleged criming, you are caught by the police and arrested. Now what? Well, you’ll be processed and will likely have to spend an initial night in jail, and they…

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What Conduct Constitutes Bank Fraud?

Bank fraud is a federal crime that is prosecuted in federal courts in Maryland. Bank fraud includes a broad range of illegal financial transactions. Generally, it involves illegally using methods to obtain funds or assets held by a financial institution. Bank fraud also includes posing as a financial institution to obtain money from people. In…

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There’s a Pandemic. Stop Breathing on Each Other.

COVID-19 is deadly, and it’s airborne. If you’re hacking and coughing on people, they’re gonna get it. If you’re talking to someone and there are “droplets” in the air, you’re gonna get it. It spreads fast and it spreads easily. For these reasons, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, generally recommends that when people…

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If It Was Good Enough for Capone

Wondering if you can get away with not paying your taxes? For the Average Person, the answer is no. You go to prison for that. Federal tax evasion can be committed by individuals, corporations, trusts, and other entities. It generally includes fraud or misrepresentation. It can involve underreporting of income, assets, profits, and gains. It…

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In Battle with Government Drone, Bald Eagle Comes Away Victorious

I am not what one might call a “bird person.” I don’t hate birds, but they’re not really my thing. Maybe it’s the eyes, or the way their legs are almost always so much longer than you’d expect them to be. But even I think bald eagles are hardcore. The razor sharp talons! The permanent…

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Two Lawyers Walk into a Bar and Lower It

Sometimes lawyers and witnesses say the darndest things. Fortunately, there are court reporters who record all these wonderful exchanges, and listicle-loving websites to share them with the entire world. And since no one loves a good lawyer joke more than I do, I thought I’d pick a few of my favorites from this list created…

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Charged with Speeding? These Excuses May Actually Work

Police are always on the lookout for speeders. Usually, they sit on the side of the road with a radar device to detect how fast you’re going. Once the radar shows a driver is exceeding the speed limit, the driver is likely to be ticketed. Speeding offenses are no day at the beach. Convictions mean…

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