Yup, Cops Can See Your Medical Records

We typically like to think we have some modicum of genuine privacy when it comes to something as intimate as medical records. I know, that’s a terrifying way to start anything. I wish I could reassure you and say none of this is truly scary, but
 Anyways. While doctor/patient confidentiality is indeed a thing, the…

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Automatic Crime Reporting Algorithms Can Hurt Innocent People — And Do

It’s no secret the internet at large has its dark sides. Crime is rampant and often unchecked, in all levels of severity, because people can be relatively unsupervised and anonymous.  What better to combat this technological problem than with more technology? One especially heinous crime with an unfortunate internet popularity is child pornography and abuse.…

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How Do Temporary Licenses (DR-15A) Even Work in Maryland?

Having a driver’s license is one of those things you take for granted. It’s not until after you lose it that you realize how much of your life relies on being able to drive where you want, when you want. Most of us have jobs, kids, and other life obligations that simply require having your…

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Crime in Fictional TV Shows Is – Surprise – Fictional

Pop culture and media as a whole affects how we see the world more than you may think. I don’t just mean subjecting every citizen to as much information on celebrities’ personal lives as possible, either. Fiction — in all forms — is a great genre for myriad of reasons, but especially for its ability…

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Does a Test for Driving While Stoned Even Exist?

So we all know what the breath test is for drinking and driving, right? There’s the roadside test (or preliminary breath test – PBT) and then there’s the big boy Intoxilyzer (or Intoximeter, depending on how many news toys the local cops have) that you get down at the station to see if you’re actually…

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We Gotta Talk About That Geico Case

While many sexually transmitted diseases/infections are curable — or at least treatable — they still cause a lot of pain, suffering, and embarrassment, and the more serious of them can and do take lives. We know this, right? Every sexually active adult is (or should be) aware of the risks of unprotected sex so they…

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Social Media Fights Are Not Worth It

When we talk about things on the internet staying there forever, we don’t just mean the embarrassing pictures your mom put on Facebook or the MySpace-era emoticon disaster from a decade ago — we mean EVERYTHING. No matter what you delete, or how quickly you delete it, every single post, tweet, picture, Snap, and text…

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When Your Domestic Violence Arrest Is Unwarranted

Okay, let’s be honest here. At some point, you have probably fantasized about using a snappy TV-borne line to shut down cops. Especially if you’ve had unfortunate run-ins with the police in the past, of course you want to have some sort of verbal defense if cops come knocking at the door. Shows everywhere encourage…

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