Domestic Assault in Maryland: No Takesies-Backsies

While there’s no such thing as a crime that the law is stoked you committed, there are certain crimes taken more seriously than others — and not just in the obvious “murder is worse than shoplifting” way. Some crimes carry moral weight to them. In other words, if you’re suspected of committing them, you are…

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Verbal Threats Count as Domestic Abuse

Yes, really. It’s a common and dangerous misconception that you have to actually raise your hand at your partner or child for it to be considered abuse — at least in our state. Sure, no SWAT team is going to kick down your door and tackle you if you jokingly threaten to kill your wife…

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Street Racing and Other Things That Aren’t Worth It

The need for speed can be swell indeed. Wind blowing through your hair, the adrenaline, the feeling of both power and danger in equal measure — going fast is fun! When we were kids, this high came in the form of races and go-carts, but we’ve got something a bit better now. Most of us…

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Innocents Suffering from Police Misinformation About Fentanyl

It’s not too much to ask that police know what they’re talking about, right? Of course there are risks associated with their job, but surely they know the actual difference between fact and fiction — right? After all, they have the authority to put people behind bars and charge them with crimes, something that can…

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Criminal Charges for Autonomous Driving Is Becoming a Real Thing

The future is here, folks. We may not have flying cars and commercial teleportation, but the times are still a-changing at a rapid pace. Now, some cars can drive themselves (in theory)! Aside from sounding like something right out of science fiction, this new innovation is an exciting and welcome development for all people who,…

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Should I Tell My Boss if I Get Charged With a Crime?

We’ve all made mistakes. Maybe we had too much fun one night, or just weren’t thinking, and we wind up with an arrest, maybe even a conviction. Great. This is a headache to begin with, but even more if you work somewhere that can punish you if you’ve been convicted with a crime. Don’t panic…

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Is It Possible to Have a Fair Trial?

Everyone has the right to an impartial and fair trial. But how easy is it to achieve? After all, there are two sides to every story, and no one but those who were involved might know the truth; but there are certain factors that may keep you from getting the fair trial that you deserve.…

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How Is Murder-for-Hire Charged in Maryland?

Wendy Lynn Wein attempted to have her ex-husband killed by a hitman for hire. The thing she didn’t know was that the website that she hired the hitman from was a fake website, and that the person running the website turned her over to the police. Bob Innes had initially set up the website as…

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Do You Get Drunk Faster in Cold Weather?

It’s that time of year when the air gets colder and the days get darker. There are holiday parties to attend, snowball fights to be fought, and driveways to be shoveled. So how do we stay warm in the freezing temperatures? We wear our boots, hats, and mittens, and maybe take a swig of that…

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