Possible Defenses to a First-Degree Assault Charge

In Maryland, you can be charged with the crime of first-degree assault if you intentionally cause or try to cause serious physical injury to another person. You can also be charged with first-degree assault if you commit an “assault” with a firearm. Firearms, according to the Maryland Criminal Code – 3.202 include the use of:…

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When Road Rage Leads to Assault Charges

A driver gets too close. One driver gives another driver the finger. A third, equally angry driver refuses to move into a slower lane. There are all sorts of reasons why drivers get upset while they’re on Annapolis or Ellicott City roads, and a whole lotta drivers who lose their tempers. It’s okay to be…

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What Are the Risks of Driving on a Suspended License in Maryland?

There are many reasons why your driver’s license might be suspended. You may have too many points on your driving record. You may be convicted of an offense so serious that your driver’s license will be taken away, such as driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In many cases, an experienced criminal defense…

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Nonfatal Strangulation Is Now a Felony in Maryland

In response to concerns that strangulation leads to homicide, Maryland passed a law (effective October 1, 2020) making strangulation a felony. A leading reason for the new law is the large number of domestic violence cases where one spouse strangled or tried to strangle their spouse, a romantic partner, or anyone in their household. According…

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Mayhem on the Highway: What Can Get You in Trouble on the Road

Many drivers do all sorts of maneuvers that just seem unbelievable to other drivers on the road. In many cases, it is just sheer luck that an accident or a fatality doesn’t occur. If the police observe these reckless actions, it’s a good bet that the officer will throw the book at the driver, charging…

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You’re Supposed to Break OUT of Jail, Not INTO It

As a criminal defense attorney, one of my biggest concerns is that my clients will make things harder on themselves during interrogations. Even an innocent comment can (and will) be twisted to help build a narrative against a person charged with a crime, so I always tell my clients not to talk to anyone but…

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Cats Like Laser Pointers, Not Laser Sights

A Wisconsin teenager recently decided to use the laser sight of a 9mm handgun to play with a cat when she unexpectedly shot her friend in the thigh. It just so happened that the gun owner was the injured thigh guy, and he was out on bond in connection with another home shooting. The whole…

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Can I Get Arrested for Possession of Drug Paraphernalia?

Last March, the Maryland Senate passed a bill that would help decriminalize the possession and distribution of drug paraphernalia. The purpose of Senate Bill 420 is to decrease the attitude of criminalization towards people who use drug paraphernalia and instead encourage those people to use products and programs that are better for them. One of…

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