Put the Belt Down, Bud. It’s Abuse

Look, I know what you’re going to say. It’s discipline! It’s how your pappy raised you and his pappy raised him and so on and so forth. What better way to instill respect and manners into a child than with fear of physical punishment? After all, it worked on you — you turned out just…

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Will New Electronic Stalking Bills Protect Victims of Domestic Violence? Probably Not

Living as a victim of domestic violence is an emotional and distressing experience. Even when victims can escape their abusers, they can still be harassed (or worse) through online or electronic stalking. Pending legislation in the Maryland Senate aims to prevent abuse via electronic stalking; however, authorities are raising concerns that the new software required…

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Is It a Crime to Lie About Domestic Assault?

Yup, it sure is. While lying in any criminal case, in any circumstance, is a dangerous and largely illegal move, it’s even more of a big deal in something as big as a domestic assault case. Crimes relating to that sort of abuse are regarded as especially serious and horrific, and therefore all those who…

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Are People Really Live Streaming Domestic Violence Attacks?

When you’re in a relationship it’s only natural to have a spat here and there. It’s human nature to disagree but some couples mix about as well as gasoline and a lit match so you just know it won’t end well. Many couples who engage in battle with one another, or even when it’s just…

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Baltimore Ravens Player Victim of Domestic Abuse

Baltimore Ravens’ D.J. Fluker has reportedly been the victim of multiple domestic violence assaults committed by his long-term girlfriend, with whom he has a child. After an incident at the couple’s Maryland home, Kimberly Davis was arrested on July 13. The responding officer arrested Davis after seeing dried blood on the face of Fluker, who…

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The Link between Domestic Violence and Drug/Alcohol Abuse

Generally, the victims of domestic violence who may file charges include a current or former spouse, a cohabitant,  someone related to the respondent/defendant, a parent or child (or stepparent or stepchild), someone who had child with the respondent, someone who had a sexual relationship with the respondent. Maryland’s statute provide some time requirements that determine…

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Domestic Violence Victims Include Men

Acts of domestic violence aren’t just confined to female victims. Many women are also charged with domestic violence and abuse in Maryland Nationwide. Males are also charged with abusing other males. Acts of domestic violence and abuse include physical, emotional, sexual, and other forms of violence, threats, intimidation, and unconscionable conduct. The statistics that confirm…

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Common Defenses in Domestic Abuse and Domestic Violence Cases

Domestic violence cases in Maryland generally begin with a phone call from the victim to the local police. The phone call then requires that local law enforcement come to where the victim is – usually in a home. Once the accusation is made, then the person the victim accuses of domestic violence is usually arrested.…

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Domestic Violence and the COVID-19 Pandemic

There are some things that we really don’t want to talk about during these difficult times. Domestic violence is one of them. However, this is something that needs to be discussed, especially with coronavirus pandemic stay-at-home orders in place throughout Annapolis. As unemployment rates rise, more people are at home and more people’s daily routines…

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