What Exactly Can I Do With an Ignition Interlock Device?

Do you remember getting grounded as a kid? Do you remember what it was like to lose certain privileges you took for granted, and just how hard it was to deal with? Sometimes you don’t realize how much you need something before it’s taken away, and that doesn’t change as you grow up. As adults,…

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What Does Implied Consent Mean, Exactly?

Here’s the thing with laws most people don’t always realize: there are a LOT of them. As many laws as you think there are, double that and maybe double it again. Not only does the United States as a whole have statutes up the wazoo (technical lawyer term), but every individual state does as well.…

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Can You Help Me Avoid a License Suspension?

It’s not uncommon to make a mistake when it comes to driving. Whether that be speeding, or parking in the wrong area, or forgetting to pay a traffic ticket; there are many laws and regulations that sometimes you simply don’t know about or mindlessly break. The problem is when you break the wrong laws or…

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Can You Get a DUI if You Drive on Prescription Drugs?

Generally, when we think of driving under the influence, we think of alcohol and/or drugs such as cannabis, cocaine, or heroin. While it is against the law to drive while under the influence of those substances, it is also illegal to drive under the influence of any substance that inhibits your ability to drive safely.…

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What Happens If I Break My Ignition Interlock Device?

If you are having to deal with an ignition interlock device, it is likely that you have been convicted of driving while intoxicated. Whether you chose to have the device installed instead of having to suffer a suspension, or you were legally required to have it installed, the device comes with several rules and requirements…

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Heck Yeah, Fight Back Against Your Annapolis DUI Charge

When you are charged with a DUI, there are myriad of decisions that have to be made by you and your attorney. One of the most important decisions is whether or not you should fight the charge or plead guilty. An important factor in determining whether or not you should plead is if there are…

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