Revenge Porn: A Dish Best Not Served at All

Sometimes, people can really, really, really piss you off. There are countless situations that could lead to hurt feelings and betrayal, spite, rage, etc., but in the end those factors don’t really, well, factor in. What’s important is how you handle yourself. Do you count to 10? Do you ghost them — block them entirely…

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Have You Really Learned NOTHING from Chris Hanson?

Most of the television watching nation has heard of the show To Catch a Predator, which aired for four years on NBC. The show was built around catching pedophiles on camera. Host Chris Hanson would work with a team of investigators who would inevitably be in contact with a grown man looking to have sex…

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Consent Standards in Rape and Sexual Assault Cases

Most laws, and most criminal cases, revolve around the question – where do we draw the line between acceptable behavior and non-acceptable behavior? That question is rarely black and white. There are often gray areas in-between for different reasons: the law isn’t clear, so there are exceptions to every rule. Sometimes, the legislature changes the…

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