Let’s Bust Some Maryland Traffic Ticket Myths

The world is full of harmless myths and superstitions, local legends, things like Mothmen and Big Feet. Largely, these are just fun ways to make sense of the world and one can believe in them for their whole lives without being negatively affected. But, uh
when it comes to myths about the law, you just get…

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Fighting Unfair Traffic Violation Charges

As common as it is to get into a car accident at some point in your life, it’s even more common to get a traffic violation of some sort. From the moment we get our licenses to the day we make some young whippersnapper drive us around, some sort of mistake — genuine or alleged…

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Is it Worth Your Time and Expense to Fight a Traffic Ticket?

A lot of drivers are tempted to blow off traffic tickets. We’ve heard a lot of excuses: I’ll just plead guilty and pay the fine. Court hearings take time and I’ll probably lose. If I hire a lawyer, I’ll have to pay the lawyer a fee. Why bother? Just pay the fine and be done…

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Maryland Ticket Offenses That Result in 8 Points

If you are found guilty of a Maryland driving offense worth 8 points or an offense that brings your total to 8 more points, your license will be suspended. You will also have to pay fines and costs. The points will be placed on your driving record so that when you restore your license, you…

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Ticket Offenses in Maryland That Result in 5 Points

Traffic tickets are more than just temporary inconveniences and small fines. Most moving violations will result in points on your driving record. If you accumulate too many points, your license may be suspended or revoked. Insurance companies will learn of the points on your record through the Maryland Department of Motor Vehicles. The insurance companies…

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What Happens at a Motor Vehicle Administration Hearing?

Let’s say you found yourself in a situation where the Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) has decided to suspend your driver’s license. Maybe you hold a provisional license and you committed a moving violation, forcing the MVA to suspend your license. Maybe you were arrested for driving while under the influence (DUI), and you refused to…

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Put the Scalpel Down. You’re in Court, for Crying Out Loud

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to countless changes in our day-to-day lives as we all adjust to social distancing guidelines. If you’ve been on Earth for the past year, this is not news. Luckily, the existence of video-chatting services like Zoom means we can all stay connected — and even see faces without masks! —…

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No One Needs That Amazon Package That Fast, Man

The coronavirus has drastically changed the transportation landscape. Roads that were filled with bumper-to-bumper traffic are only partially filled with delivery trucks and some people with cabin fever going for a spin. Whether it’s Interstate 595, US Routes 50 and 301 or the local roads and streets Throughout Annapolis and Ellicott City, the temptation for…

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