Centreville Criminal Defense

Centreville Criminal Defense Attorneys

Centreville Criminal Defense Attorneys

Protecting your rights when you’re accused of a crime

Even an accusation of committing a crime can have a huge effect on your reputation. An arrest and conviction can have permanent consequences on your life and future, affecting your employment prospects, ability to find housing and possibly your freedom. You may face jail time, probation and hefty fines.

The Centreville criminal defense lawyers at Drew Cochran, Attorney at Law have decades of experience representing people just you. We know how to get results and will stand by your side every step of the way. We can guide you from the beginning to the end of the criminal justice system, including bail detention hearings, pretrial motions and hearings, trials, adjudicatory hearings, new trial motions and sentencing. If necessary, we can also help with violations of probation, sentencing modifications and reconsiderations.

One of the most important things to remember if you’re charged with a crime is that time is of the essence. Whether you’ve just been arrested or you believe you’re under investigation, contact us as soon as possible. The earlier we can step in, the better the chance for success for your case.

Talk to our attorneys today.

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Common Centreville criminal charges

We handle a wide variety of criminal charges – everything from misdemeanors and felonies to state and federal charges. These include things like:

  • Assault and violent crimes
  • Domestic violence
  • Driving under the influence (DUI)
  • Drug charges
  • Juvenile crimes
  • Murder and manslaughter
  • Sexual assault
  • Theft crimes
  • Traffic violations
  • Vandalism and destruction of property
  • White-collar crimes

Our attorneys have a deep knowledge of criminal law, as well as the local Centreville and Maryland court systems, giving you the best chance possible to secure a positive outcome for your case.

Court and jail information in Centreville and Queen Anne’s County

If you or a loved one are facing criminal charges, you should know how to contact all the important offices and courts within the local justice system. We’ve put all this information here for your convenience. Centreville functions within the Queen Anne’s County court system.

If you have any questions about where your case will be heard, or any other related issues, just give our firm a call for a consultation and we can guide you to the proper office.

Get an early start on your defense by contacting our attorneys as soon as possible. We can put our expertise to work for you, tailoring a custom strategy for your case.

Why hire a Centreville criminal defense lawyer?

Even if you’re accused of committing the “less severe” crime of a misdemeanor, never underestimate the potential consequences. The outcome of your case could have lasting – even permanent – effects on your future. Our attorneys have a proven track record of success and our goal is to add you to our list of satisfied clients.

Don’t take risks with your future. The prosecution has a large amount of resources at their fingertips. We’ll level the playing field. Our criminal defense attorneys:

  • Have a full understanding of the law. The criminal justice system doesn’t quite work the way it does on our favorite television shows. However, we understand every facet of the law, and use it to your advantage when we take your case.
  • Can prep you on what to expect. After an arrest and criminal charges, you may be overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next. We work within the system every day, and can ease your mind about what to expect at every step of the process.
  • Know how to negotiate on your behalf. One of the most important things your attorney can do for you is negotiate. Our lawyers can work with the courts to consider plea bargains or dropping or minimizing the charges against you. Of course we always consult with you to ensure we’re working in your best interests.
  • Are familiar with the local and state courts. Our familiarity with the Maryland court system gives you an insider advantage. Our experience with local prosecutors and judges affords us the opportunity to create strategic and custom strategies for your defense.
  • Stand by your side. When you’re accused of a crime, even if the truth is on your side, the prosecution is actively working against you. Don’t try to go it alone. While they work against you, we work for you, and our only goal is protecting your rights and your future.

One mistake that leads to a criminal conviction can follow you around for the rest of your life. Let us help you handle this issue now before it leads to permanent problems in the future.

Annapolis Maryland Criminal Defense Lawyer

Centreville criminal defense lawyers protecting your rights

At Drew Cochran, Attorney at Law, our criminal defense attorneys are dedicated to fighting the charges against you. If you’ve been accused of, arrested for or even being investigated for a crime, get in touch with us immediately. Time is of the essence with these types of cases, and we’re ready to help you today. Contact us at 410-271-1892 or fill our contact form to schedule a consultation.

And remember: Keep Calm – and Call Drew.