College Crimes

Annapolis Maryland College Crimes Criminal Defense Attorney

Annapolis Criminal Defense Lawyer Provides Strong Counsel for College Students Charged with Committing a Crime

Helping Maryland college students stay in school and out of jail

Students at the University of Maryland, Towson University, Coppin State University, or any other college in Maryland face serious consequences if they commit a crime. In addition to the possibility of prison time and the fines and expenses of a conviction, students can lose their financial aid and may be expelled from the school they are attending. A conviction can make it hard to transfer to another school and difficult to obtain a job.

My name is Gill Andrew Cochran, and I am an Annapolis college crime defense attorney that helps students, working adults, and juveniles get justice by assisting them to defeat criminal charges or obtain a plea bargain. I fight to hold the prosecutors to the highest legal standard, including the duty to prove the commission of a crime by a reasonable doubt. I also work with college campus officials to reduce or withdraw any college sanctions. Drew Cochran, Attorney at Law has the resources to represent clients in both state and federal court, as well as before college tribunals.

Common college crimes

Some of the crimes that college students tend to get charged with are:

Sometimes college students are just charged with violation of school policy and not state crimes. These violations can still result in expulsion, suspension, or disciplinary action. Some common college crimes are dorm room violations, noise violations, cheating, or plagiarism.

How an experienced criminal defense attorney can help

Unless the student is under 18, any college student charged with a crime will be tried as an adult. I have nearly two decades of experience defending criminal charges, so you can trust me if your daughter or son is charged with a college crime, Your child has a right to know the charges, the right to a preliminary hearing, and the right to a jury trial. All defendants are presumed innocent. Many times, the campus police fail to follow proper legal procedures and ignore your child’s constitutional rights.

Where possible, I work to obtain a solution that does not leave a criminal record but that does address the misconduct. Examples include community service and making the student attend improvement courses, such as anger management or courses that focus on drinking and driving.

When a college student is a defendant, it is necessary to defend the statutory criminal charge and also defend against suspension, expulsion, or disciplinary actions by the school. I understand this dual role and work to defeat or reduce both types of charges.

Students are entitled to speak with an experienced Annapolis college crimes attorney

At Drew Cochran, Attorney at Law, I negotiate and try cases on behalf of college students. I know that students make mistakes of youth, and I work to convince the prosecution, school officials, judges, and juries that sons and daughters should be given second chances. Many times, I can have the charges dismissed or reduced because the case is not as strong as the prosecution asserts, because civil rights were violated or for other reasons. For help with a college crime case, please contact me at 410-271-1892 or fill out my contact form to make an appointment.

And remember: Keep Calm – and Call Drew.