1st Degree Rape

Keep Calm and Call Drew

1st Degree Rape

Assertive Annapolis Attorney Defending Against First-Degree Rape Charges

Protecting clients against serious allegations in Maryland

A first-degree rape charge is one of the most serious offenses you can face under Maryland law. The criminal penalties can be severe, but you must also deal with the effects on your private and professional life. There’s a lot at stake, and you need an accomplished Annapolis criminal defense attorney to protect your rights. I am Gill Andrew Cochran, and I have been providing the residents of Annapolis and Anne Arundel County with serious representation for more than 18 years. At Drew Cochran, Attorney at Law, I offer legal services that are accessible and aggressive.

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Defending you from the harsh consequences of a Maryland rape conviction

First-degree rape is the most serious of all rape charges. The state defines first-degree rape as sexual intercourse where there is no consent. There must also be a weapon, force, or threat of force used to complete the intercourse.

The potential penalty for a conviction is life imprisonment, with the possibility of parole. But under some situations, the possibility of parole is taken away:

  • A prior rape or sexual assault conviction
  • The victim is under the age of 13, and you are over the age of 18
  • The victim is a kidnapped child under the age of 16

I’m sure I don’t have to convince you about the seriousness of a life sentence. The consequences for you and your family are devastating, and you continue to pay, even if you are released. With a rape conviction, you must register as a sex offender for the rest of your life. You also have to deal with restrictions on your employment options, where you can live, and your everyday activities.

I help my clients create a defense against first-degree rape charges. As an experienced Annapolis rape defense attorney, I work hard to protect your freedom and your rights.

A serious defense against serious rape charges

When you secure my services, the planning of your defense begins immediately. I provide every client with a defense that is aggressive, strong, and strategic. I listen to your story and take the time to speak with law enforcement, as well as the state’s attorney. Once I determine the best direction for your case, I aggressively pursue it through every stage. From case preparation and negotiation to hearings and arraignments, you get my full commitment.

As a seasoned Annapolis criminal defense lawyer, I work hard to help you, but you must also help yourself. When you are facing a rape accusation, don’t make any statements to law enforcement without an attorney present. Remember that you have a right to remain silent. Asking for your attorney does not make you guilty. It makes you smart. Keep quiet to avoid saying something that hurts your case.

Annapolis Maryland Criminal Defense Lawyer

Defending your rights against a first-degree rape allegation in Maryland

A first-degree rape conviction creates serious and long-lasting problems. You need to be represented by an attorney with the skill and knowledge to fight for your best interests. For aggressive representation, contact Drew Cochran, Attorney at Law at 410-271-1892 or fill out the contact form to schedule a consultation. Someone is available to take your call 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

And remember: Keep Calm – and Call Drew.