Date Rape

scales of justice

Aggressive Representation from an Annapolis Date Rape Defense Attorney

Fighting for the futures of those accused of date rape in Maryland

Date rape accusations are especially challenging because the accuser is often someone you know. Some people fail to see the seriousness of this charge, but date rape is just as serious as any other sexual offense under Maryland law. I’m Gill Andrew Cochran, and I aggressively fight to protect your freedom and reputation against date rape allegations. At Drew Cochran, Attorney at Law, you can expect a skilled and effective defense from an Annapolis date rape defense lawyer.

What is date rape?

Date rape is forced sexual contact between two people who were acquainted prior to the incident. Sometimes called “acquaintance rape,” the individuals may be out on a date when the incident occurs or in attendance at the same social event. Date rape may even occur between individuals who were previously intimate with one another.

The type of sexual contact determines what statute the crime falls under. Many date rape cases are charged as rape in the second degree or as a second-degree sexual offense:

  • A second-degree rape charge requires vaginal intercourse without consent. In a date rape situation, the alleged victim may say no to the defendant's advancements. This law also applies in a situation where the defendant is incapable of providing consent, due to intoxication. This is often the argument presented when the state accuses the defendant of administering the “date rape drug” to the alleged victim. A conviction on this charge can result in up to 20 years in prison and mandatory registration as a sex offender.
  • A second-degree sexual offense charge does not require vaginal intercourse. The law instead refers to “sexual acts.” This may include oral or anal sex, as well as object penetration. This law also requires lack of consent or the incapability to give consent. A conviction can result in a maximum of 20 years in prison.

A knowledgeable Maryland date rape defense attorney understands the potential consequences of a date rape conviction.

Providing an aggressive defense to sexual assault accusations

When mounting a successful defense to the charges in your case, an experienced Annapolis criminal defense lawyer chooses the course of action that advances your case. I have used various defenses in my representation of date rape defendants, including:

  • The motivation of the accuser. Particularly in dating relationships, an accuser may have ulterior motives for alleging date rape. For example, revenge is often a factor. The accused may be upset about an ended relationship or unappreciated affections.
  • He said/she said. For a criminal conviction, the state must prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Date rape cases often center on one person's word against another. Inconsistencies in the accuser's story can cast doubt on the accusations against you.

At Drew Cochran, Attorney at Law, I review every detail of the evidence against you to develop a comprehensive and aggressive defense strategy.

Relentlessly pursuing justice for Annapolis date rape defendants

Facing date rape charges is hard; choosing the right lawyer to protect you and uphold your rights doesn’t need o be. If you are facing accusations of date rape, call Drew Cochran, Attorney at Law at 410-271-1892 or complete my convenient contact form to learn more about how I can help you.

And remember: Keep Calm – and Call Drew.