Sexual Assault

scales of justice

A Knowledgeable Annapolis Sexual Assault Attorney Defending Your Rights

Aggressively defending against sexual assault charges

A sexual assault conviction can completely change your life. Prison time can range from a few months to a lifetime, and mandatory registration can affect your employability, where you can live, and other aspects of your day-to-day lifestyle. You need tough, experienced representation to defend you when you’re facing these kinds of charges.

My name is Gill Andrew Cochran, and I always pursue the best possible outcome for my client's cases. When you retain the services of Drew Cochran, Attorney at Law, you can trust that you are receiving aggressive and knowledgeable representation from an experienced Annapolis sexual assault defense attorney.

Comprehensive representation for a variety of sexual assault cases

Under Maryland law, the definition of sexual assault significantly varies. Rape, defined as non-consensual vaginal intercourse, is at the most severe end of the spectrum. Sexual contact, which is generally defined as non-consensual touching, lies at the other end of the spectrum. However, it is important to note any type or amount of sexual contact is still a very serious crime, with potentially severe consequences.

I have experience defending clients in a variety of these cases, including:

  • First-degree rape. First-degree rape includes engaging in nonconsensual sexual intercourse with an individual through force, bodily injury, or kidnapping. A conviction can result in life imprisonment.
  • Second-degree rape. Second-degree rape includes engaging in vaginal intercourse without consent through force, when the individual is incapacitated, or with a victim who is under 14 years old (if the defendant is at least 4 years older). The potential penalty for a conviction is up to 20 years in prison.
  • First-degree sexual assault. First-degree sexual assault includes engaging in a sexual act without consent through the use or threat of force.  A conviction can result in a life sentence.
  • Second-degree sexual assault. Second-degree sexual assault includes engaging in a sexual act with an individual who is incapacitated or under the age of 14 years old (if the defendant is at least 4 years older). A conviction may lead to a 20-year sentence.
  • Third-degree sexual assault. Third-degree sexual assault includes nonconsensual sexual contact with an individual by force, or with an incapacitated person. It also includes various age-related offenses. The potential penalty is 10 years in prison.
  • Fourth-degree sexual assault. Fourth-degree sexual assault includes sexual contact without consent, as well as various age-related offenses. A first time conviction can result in a year in jail. Subsequent offenses can result in up to three years.

As a knowledgeable Annapolis sexual assault lawyer, I understand that the Maryland statute includes various types of sexual assault cases, with different levels of punishment. And I understand that my experience, my skills, and my resources might be the only thing standing between a slap on the wrist and decades in prison. At Drew Cochran, Attorney at Law, I carefully examine the allegations against you and work with you to determine the best course of action in your case.

Providing Annapolis residents with a skillful defense in sexual assault cases

At Drew Cochran, Attorney at Law, I represent every client with the same level of professionalism and skill, and strive to make my services affordable for everyone. If you are facing assault allegations, call my office today at 410-271-1892 or complete my convenient contact form to schedule an initial consultation and learn more about my services.

And remember: Keep Calm – and Call Drew.