
annapolis shoplifting criminal defense attorney

Knowledgeable Annapolis Shoplifting Defense Attorney

Providing shoplifting defendants with the representation they deserve in Maryland courts

Shoplifting is one the most commonly charged crimes. While many people do not see the seriousness in a $2 shoplifting charge, the immediate and future consequences can be severe. As a way to deter people from shoplifting, the punishments of a conviction can be harsh. That is why it is important to be represented by an attorney with the skills to fight for you.

My name is Gill Andrew Cochran, and you can trust me to defend you. If you are facing allegations of shoplifting, contact an experienced Annapolis shoplifting defense attorney at Drew Cochran, Attorney at Law as soon as possible to begin an aggressive defense.

Diligently defending against shoplifting allegations

In Maryland, shoplifting falls under the general category of theft. It is defined as taking or concealing property for the purpose of depriving the owner of its value. Many people mistakenly believe that the item in question must be carried out of the store for a shoplifting charge to apply, but this is not accurate. The simple act of placing an item into a bag or concealing it under a coat can trigger a shoplifting charge. With the abundance of security cameras and loss prevention methods, defending a shoplifting charge can prove challenging. Trust a highly capable Annapolis shoplifting defense lawyer with the details of your case.

Experienced representation for all classifications of shoplifting

Under Maryland law, the severity of the shoplifting charge is generally determined by the value of the merchandise allegedly stolen. The statute also takes into consideration previous theft-related convictions when classifying the offense. The charges can be as follows:

  • Property valued at less than $100. This misdemeanor is punishable by up to 90 days in jail and a fine up to $500.
  • Property valued between $100 and $1000. This misdemeanor is punishable by up to 18 months in jail with a $500 fine.
  • Property valued at less than $1000, with two prior theft-related convictions. This misdemeanor is punishable by up to five years of incarceration with a $5000 fine.
  • Property valued between $1000 and $10,000. This felony can result in up to 10 years in prison with a fine up to $10,000.
  • Property valued between $10,000 and $100,000. This felony carries a potential penalty of up to 15 years in prison and a $15,000 fine.
  • Property valued at more than $100,000. This felony carries a potential penalty of 25 years in prison and a fine up to $25,000.

It is also common for the state’s attorney to request restitution in a shoplifting case. This means that the court can order you to pay the value of the property to the alleged victim if convicted, creating an even greater hardship. A skilled Annapolis shoplifting defense attorney advocates for the best possible outcome in your case. If that involves a lesser charge, I skillfully negotiate with the state. If trial is the best option, I put forward an aggressive defense to the shoplifting charges.

Reliable representation for your shoplifting case in Annapolis, Maryland

Drew Cochran, Attorney at Law proudly advocates in the best interest of each client. Even a misdemeanor shoplifting charge should be taken seriously because a conviction can have serious consequences now and in the future. Trust my skills and knowledge in your case. Call my office today at 410-271-1892 or complete my convenient contact form to schedule a consultation.

And remember: Keep Calm – and Call Drew.